
6 Reasons People Pleasing is Good for Everyone but YOU better boundaries conserving energy emotional distress emotional health family patterns how to set health boundaraies learn to say no people pleaser Jun 19, 2023

How does people pleasing impact the way you feel about yourself?

Turns out that people pleasing, while common, is not a particularly healthy behavior pattern. Even though many little girls are taught to put the needs of others before themselves, that advice can be taken too far.

What is a people...

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5 Common Boundary Myths Debunked and Truths Revealed boundary myths debunked emotional health how to set health boundaraies learn to say no let go of the guilt overcome fear people pleaser relationships self-care setting boundaries stress toxic relationships Oct 31, 2022

Where do boundary myths come from, and how can you move past the fear of setting boundaries?

It’s important to point out that ‘myths’ are not based on facts; they are essentially legends and misinformation. Myths about boundaries can keep you stuck in fear and hold you back from...

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Why Setting Healthy Boundaries is the Cornerstone of Self-Care emotional health emotional vampires healing crisis healthy boundaries and self-esteem how to set health boundaraies lack of boundaries people pleaser physical health relationships self-care stress the importance of self-care for women ultimate self-care workbook May 25, 2022

Why is it that setting and sticking to a self-care plan is challenging and elusive for many women?

Make no mistake, too many women feel guilty about taking time for self-care. 

Newsflash: it is not selfish to take the time to practice self-care, instead it is self-nourishing and essential....

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